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Data Generator

Numalogic provides a data generator to create some synthetic time series data, that can be used as train or test data sets.

Using the synthetic data, we can:

  1. Compare and evaluate different ML algorithms, since we have labeled anomalies
  2. Understand different types of anomalies, and our models' performance on each of them
  3. Recreate realtime scenarios

Generate multivariate timeseries

from numalogic.synthetic import SyntheticTSGenerator

ts_generator = SyntheticTSGenerator(
    baseline_range=(200.0, 350.0),
    slope_range=(-0.001, 0.01),
    amplitude_range=(10, 75),
    cosine_ratio_range=(0.5, 0.9),
    noise_range=(5, 15),

# shape: (8000, 3) with column names [s1, s2, s3]
ts_df = ts_generator.gen_tseries()

# Split into test and train
train_df, test_df = ts_generator.train_test_split(ts_df, test_size=1000)
Train and Test sets

Inject anomalies

Now, once we generate the synthetic data like above, we can inject anomalies into the test data set using AnomalyGenerator.

AnomalyGenerator supports the following types of anomalies:

  1. global: Outliers in the global context
  2. contextual: Outliers only in the seasonal context
  3. causal: Outliers caused by a temporal causal effect
  4. collective: Outliers present simultaneously in two or more time series

You can also use anomaly_ratio to adjust the ratio of anomalous data points wrt number of samples.

from numalogic.synthetic import AnomalyGenerator

# columns to inject anomalies
injected_cols = ["s1", "s2"]
anomaly_generator = AnomalyGenerator(
    train_df, anomaly_type="contextual", anomaly_ratio=0.3
outlier_test_df = anomaly_generator.inject_anomalies(
    test_df, cols=injected_cols, impact=1.5
