An Autoencoder is a type of Artificial Neural Network, used to learn efficient data representations (encoding) of unlabeled data.
It mainly consists of 2 components: an encoder and a decoder. The encoder compresses the input into a lower dimensional code, the decoder then reconstructs the input only using this code.
Pytorch-lightning datamodules abstracts and separates the data functionality from the model and training itself.
Numalogic provides TimeseriesDataModule
to help set up and load dataloaders.
import numpy as np
from import TimeseriesDataModule
train_data = np.random.randn(100, 3)
datamodule = TimeseriesDataModule(12, train_data, batch_size=128)
Autoencoder Trainer¶
Numalogic provides a subclass of Pytorch-Lightning Trainer module specifically for Autoencoders. This trainer provides a mechanism to train, validate and infer on data, with all the parameters supported by Lightning Trainer.
Here we are using VanillaAE
, a Vanilla Autoencoder model.
from numalogic.models.autoencoder.variants import VanillaAE
from numalogic.models.autoencoder import TimeseriesTrainer
model = VanillaAE(seq_len=12, n_features=3)
trainer = TimeseriesTrainer(max_epochs=50, enable_progress_bar=True), datamodule=datamodule)
Autoencoder Variants¶
Numalogic supports 2 variants of Autoencoders currently. More details can be found here.
1. Autoencoders¶
Basic autoencoders aim to find representations of the input data in a latent dimensional space. Ideally, in order for the network to learn meaningful patterns, it is recommended that undercomplete architectures are used, i.e. the latent space dimension being less than the input dimension.
Examples would be VanillaAE
, Conv1dAE
and TransformerAE
2. Sparse autoencoders¶
A Sparse Autoencoder is a type of autoencoder that employs sparsity to achieve an information bottleneck. Specifically the loss function is constructed so that activations are penalized within a layer. So, by adding a sparsity regularization, we will be able to stop the neural network from copying the input and reduce overfitting.
Examples would be SparseVanillaAE
, SparseConv1dAE
, SparseLSTMAE
and SparseTransformerAE
Network architectures¶
Numalogic currently supports the following architectures.
Fully Connected¶
Vanilla Autoencoder model comprising only fully connected layers.
from numalogic.models.autoencoder.variants import VanillaAE
model = VanillaAE(seq_len=12, n_features=2)
Conv1dAE is a 1D convolutional autoencoder.
The encoder network consists of convolutional layers and max pooling layers. The decoder network tries to reconstruct the same input shape by corresponding transposed convolutional and upsampling layers.
from numalogic.models.autoencoder.variants import SparseConv1dAE
model = SparseConv1dAE(beta=1e-2, seq_len=12, in_channels=3, enc_channels=[8, 4])
An LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) Autoencoder is an implementation of an autoencoder for sequence data using an Encoder-Decoder LSTM architecture.
from numalogic.models.autoencoder.variants import LSTMAE
model = LSTMAE(seq_len=12, no_features=2, embedding_dim=15)
The transformer-based Autoencoder model was inspired from Attention is all you need paper.
It consists of an encoder and a decoder which are both stacks of residual attention blocks, i.e a stack of layers set in such a way that the output of a layer is taken and added to another layer deeper in the block.
These blocks can process an input sequence of variable length n without exhibiting a recurrent structure and allows transformer-based encoder-decoders to be highly parallelizable.
from numalogic.models.autoencoder.variants import TransformerAE
model = TransformerAE(